Recently I had to update the firmware in my ASRock ALiveDual-eSATA2 mainboard. ASRocks only has Windows and DOS Installers. Having neither I came to the following solution to flash the BIOS: Summary: read [[|this tutorial on how to rebuild a FreeDos Boot CDROM]]. This just has to be modified a bit. * Step 1: Get a Boot CD from (the small basecd.iso worked for me). * Step 2: Mount the image: {{{mount -o loop fdfullws.iso /mnt/misc}}} * Step 3: Create a directory for the new CD: {{{mkdir ./modified_basecd}}} * Step 4: Copy the content of the mounted image to the created directory: {{{cp -ax /mnt/misc/* ./modified_basecd/}}} * Step 5: Download the DOS Firmware Update from the manufacturer * Step 6: Copy the file to {{{modified_basecd}}} * Step 7: Create an iso file: {{{mkisofs -R -D -V "FreeDOS 1.0" -o freedos.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table ./modified_basecd}}} * Step 8: Check the created in virtualbox or similar. * Step 9: If it works, burn it and reboot from the created CD. * Step 10: At the FreeDOS boot prompt just press enter. * Step 11: In the next menu choose "1. prepare for Setup" * Step 12: Now choose your preferred Language * Step 13: Now choose "Run Freedos from CD-ROM (return to command prompt)" - this exits the Setup script. * Step 14: At the command prompt you can now type the name of the file you copied at Step 6 (hint: FreeDOS has tab completion). That's it :)