
What is it about?

[ PyLucene] is a [ python] interface for the [ Lucene] indexing engine.

Indexing engines are used to parse data and store the content in way that is optimized for searching through it.

Another popular indexing engine is [ Xapian], but since its installation in Debian is more than trivial, there is no need for a howto :).

Names and values





Which version of Lucene?

Currently there are two different releases of PyLucene available:

The developer of PyLucene dropped support for GCJ since version 2.3, thus it should be reasonable to use the JCC sources.


Get the source

Compile JCC

You may skip this step, if you already have a working JCC installation. # install required packages:

aptitude install sun-java5-jdk g++ java-gcj-compat-dev python-dev

# fix the pre-settings in jcc/ - a little bit dirty, but it works (alternative: fix the INCLUDE, CFLAGS and LFLAGS for linux in jcc/

ln -s java-1.5.0-sun /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

# compile JCC:

cd jcc
python build

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